Full chamber string sections

Rapidly create expressive string parts. A perfect complement to Tableau Solo Strings, this chamber string collection includes full sections of first and second violins, violas, celli, and basses.
All instruments were captured in situ on Berlin’s famed Teldex Scoring Stage to produce the natural sound of a contemporary film recording session. A wide range of dynamic articulations and fluid legato samples enable you to perform realistic and emotional parts easily. And a choice of mic positions lets you construct the right sonic blend.

A chamber string ensemble designed for contemporary and crossover styles.
A full chamber string collection with 5 first violins, 4 second violins, 4 violas, 4 celli, and 3 basses
Fast access to meticulously sampled, unprocessed sounds
Pre-recorded dynamic articulations—sustains, swells, crescendos, decrescendos, and spiccato notes—in multiple lengths and dynamic layers
Melodic legato sampling with long, natural transitions between notes
Single dynamic layer that captures the musicians’ natural expression
Mixable mic positions and mic techniques for customizing the sound
Instruments recorded in situ on the legendary Teldex Scoring Stage in Berlin
Great for crossover styles, including contemporary classical, neo-classical, and avant-garde
Capturing Tableau Chamber Strings
Maxime Luft and the Orchestral Tools team recorded Tableau Chamber Strings with talented players on the large Teldex Scoring Stage in Berlin—the same location used for Tableau Solo Strings, Berlin Strings, and countless acclaimed recordings. The ensemble was captured using multiple microphone positions and techniques, giving you options for dialing in the right amount of ambience and delivering mixes that work well in surround projects.
A single dynamic layer was used to allow players the maximum freedom of expression during the sampling session. Players also recorded multiple dynamic articulations and long, melodic legato phrases in musical contexts to provide the most natural, realistic results.
About Organic Samples
Organic Samples collections are designed to capture specific moods and sounds, with a focus on expression and ease of use. The goal is to capture the character of a performance—the dynamic interplay of sound and performer.
The driving force behind Organic Samples is Maxime Luft—a young composer who started creating the instruments he needed for his own productions. The Organic Samples series is available exclusively from Orchestral Tools.
Runs in SINE
Mic merging
Preserve your system resources: Fine-tune your mix using multiple mic positions, then merge into a single channel within the player.
Greater usability
SINE is designed to complement the compositional workflow. Create on the fly with auto keyswitch options, and easy remapping tools.
Download single instruments
Choose only the instruments and mic positions that you currently need—no need to download the entire collection at once.

Organic Samples
Tableau Chamber Strings
Expressive mid-size ensemble
Teldex Scoring Stage, Berlin

Works with Orchestral Tools’ SINE Player—NOTE: Latest version required!
40 GB of samples (17.5 GB SINEarc compressed)
24 bit / 48 KHz patches
SINE system requirements
Mac: macOS 10.15 or higher | Intel Core i5 or similar | Apple ARM chipsets supported | At least 8 GB RAM (16 GB+ recommended)
Windows: Windows 10 | Intel Core i5 or similar | At least 8 GB RAM (16 GB+ recommended)
Formats supported: Standalone, VST, VST3, AU, AAX